Today was Brooklyn's first day with her med change. She's now taking the regular release Adderall twice a day. In the morning (at 8:30) she takes 5mg of Adderall and .5mg of guanfacine. 4 hours later at 12:30 she takes another 5mg of Adderall and .5mg of guanfacine. It went really well, I was a little worried as to how well it would work for her. The controlled release Adderall is supposed to last 8-12 hours, but she usually had it beat within 6 hours. The regular release Adderall lasted a good 8-10 hours today, plus, it didn't seem to effect her appetite as much as the controlled release.
Brooklyn had an assessment at school today. Apparently they are assessing all incoming Kindergarteners to see where they all are skill wise before making official class lists. She met with the assistant principal and did AMAZING! I was SO worried; not that she wouldn't know the stuff, but that she just wouldn't speak to them. Brooklyn has a tendency to not make eye contact or to communicate with her hands and grunts (she becomes non-verbal) in new situations, especially without someone she trusts. Brooklyn read the assistant principal two books, identified all her letters upper and lower case as well as their sounds, and counted to 100. The assistant principal was VERY impressed with Brooklyn :) My little smartypants!
We had to give the school MORE copies of Alayna's therapy records, last IEP, and her last test scores for standardized testing. Apparently the school psychologist that we spoke to last year isn't going to be the school psychologist at their school this year, she's being moved to another school. She was the one with all those copies. But, we should know who Alayna's teacher is by the end of the week.
Next Tuesday miss Alayna has a therapy intake appointment, it's just for personal counseling. With all the changes in her life we thought it would be good for her to have someone to talk to. Tuesday is also the day of the back to school BBQ at the kids' school. The big kids will get to meet their teachers, see their classrooms, and maybe meet some new classmates. We won't know Brooklyn's teacher until NEXT Friday.
School officially starts next Wednesday, but Brooklyn only goes on Thursday next week for half a day. But, once they figure out the placement for the Kindergartners then we'll get to meet her teacher and see her classroom Friday afternoon.
On the 17th I have to officially request Alayna's IEP evaluations. I'm hoping to have her referrals for private therapy next week, she goes in to see our pediatrician next Thursday. So many things to do; PT, OT, and speech evals, she needs a thyroid panel done, and a developmental assessment. I imagine the month of September is going to be really busy for the Ryders. It might even over flow into October. But, I'm so excited to be getting things going for the kids.
I will have first day of school pictures to post next week :) We're all getting really excited!
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