I have spent ALL week scheduling appointments! I think I need some type of organizer/calendar/something to help keep everything straight.
So, onto the exciting news, Brooklyn's OT appointment has been scheduled! YAY!! Apparently the paperwork was mailed to the wrong apartment number, so I went down and picked it up yesterday. When I returned it, they had JUST had a cancellation, so Brooklyn's OT evaluation is scheduled for Tuesday August 14th, at 1pm. I'm a little anxious and full of what ifs. What if they say she DOES have sensory processing disorder? What if they say she DOES have Autism? What if they say she's fine and *I'm* crazy? So, for now we wait and see.
Alayna's appointment schedule is getting full too. She has a therapy/counseling intake appointment the first week of September, she has a doctor's appointment the first week of September, and ALL the kiddos go to the dentist on the 20th of September. Once we have the referrals from the doctor we can start making MORE appointments. Hopefully we'll be able to schedule all the evaluations (OT, PT, speech) for the same day/time. We have a nice list of specialists she needs (cardiologist, geneticist, ophthalmologist, etc), plus I'd like to have her hips checked out. She swings her hips around when she walks. Rather than her legs moving front and back they swing around to the side. She also needs a thyroid panel done, as the last time it was checked in November 2010 it was elevated, and hasn't been rechecked since.
That's not counting Brooklyn's weekly behavior modification therapy and the IEP evaluations we're requesting for both girls. So, needless to say the next 6-8 weeks are going to be SUPER busy.
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