So, I have been slacking on the blogging front. Things have just been crazy busy with our extended family; heart attack, cancer, and surgery just to name a few. Plus, I had a photo shoot this last week and I am STILL working on getting the edits done (I hoping to have them finished by tomorrow). The ones so far up on my facebook page are pretty awesome if I do say so myself. Feel free to go check them out:
OK, onto Miss Brooklyn. She has weekly therapy on Mondays. She's starting to warm up to her therapist and even spoke TO her last week. But, Bella and Aiden came with us to therapy that week so I'm wondering if that made her more comfortable. Next week they're going to hang out with Grandma while we go to therapy, so we'll see if it was a fluke or not. She did really well in therapy last week though; both the therapist and I were impressed.
We FINALLY got an OT referral! Do you have ANY idea what goes into scheduling an OT evaluation? I had NO idea there were so many hoops to jump through. I called our insurance and got everything approved for the evaluation, found a therapy center I liked (and that was fairly close) and called to schedule an evaluation. Apparently before we can even schedule the evaluation Joe and I have to fill out a packet of information and return it and the therapy center needs to speak with both our pediatrician AND the behavior modification therapist. THEN we can schedule the evaluation. I was hoping we could get it scheduled soon; and now I'm just praying we can get the initial evaluation done before school starts in September.
Guess what the basis of the referral is? SENSORY PROCESSING DISORDER! Which, I would like to point out, is the first thing I went to our pediatrician about in November 2010! This mommy is not some crazy lady trying to get any diagnosis I can. Trust me, I've known someone like that (side note: I'm about 95% SURE that this crazy lady I spoke of used Brooklyn's symptoms to get a diagnosis for HER child, but, that's another story all together).
The therapist noticed that Brooklyn rarely sits in a chair correctly, and that about half the time she was hanging upside down in her chair. Brooklyn hit her head several times on a large doll house, Brooklyn says she didn't notice it. That coupled with what we've seen: the constant spinning, the use of her mouth as a pocket for holding random things (mostly coins and beads), the touching of everything, etc the therapist asked if Brooklyn had ever had an OT evaluation. My response was no, her pediatrician just sent us to behavior modification therapy the first time in November 2010 and I've been butting heads with him since. She said that she'd like Brooklyn to get an OT evaluation to either diagnose or rule out Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). I was DUMBFOUNDED! The original questions/complaints to our pediatrician over a year and a half ago were for SPD and sensory issues!
So, now we wait. I should have the packet in the mail from the therapy center either today or Monday. The behavior modification therapist has already said that she'd do whatever necessary to help with getting the OT evaluation scheduled. I'm super hopeful that this will happen soon.
This battle for me isn't about getting a diagnosis of something or other. This is about helping Brooklyn function in social settings and to help her reach her full potential in life. If all she needs is a bit of help here and there right now to give her the building blocks she needs for later, I'm 100% happy with that.
Hopefully the next time I post I'll be able to say that the OT evaluation has been scheduled!
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