We had originally been told that it would take about 2 months to get Alayna into the gait lab at Shriner's and to get her first set of casts. We were expecting that we'd be able to start PT and work on stretching and then to the casts. Well, last week, the day after our appointment actually, Shriner's called and set up ALL of Alayna's appointments.
Alayna goes in on the 7th to do the 2 hour gait lab, then she'll get molds done of her feet for the AFOs (ankle foot orthotics), lastly they'll stretch her feet and ankles and put the first set of casts on. She goes in the following week to get those casts removed and another set put on. A week later she goes in again to get the second set of casts off and new ones put on. A week later she goes in again to get the final set of casts off and get her AFOs. I'm really hoping for the best with all of this. I'd like to avoid surgery at all costs.
I also found a product called de-rotation straps. They're supposed to work very well, much like AFOs, and can hide well under clothing. Speak of that, I'm hoping that Alayna's jeans will fit over her casts, but I'm not sure how far up the casts will go and how thick they'll be. I've never had a cast before.
I'm beginning to think that coming off of all of the medication may not have been the best choice, and that makes me ridiculously sad. I DESPISE giving my daughter medication, but based on the behavior of the last week, I think that some type of medication for the afternoons might be necessary. She's more out of control, even with the OT activities. Joe's taking an extra long lunch on Monday so that he can come to Brooklyn's behavior therapy with me so that we can talk to her therapist. We're also going to see her doctor next Thursday to discuss if maybe a low dose medication might help her out of control behavior at home after school and on weekends.
We did have a break through at therapy this last week. Brooklyn told her behavior therapist that she really misses me when she's at school, that she only gets to be with me all day long on the weekends and everyday used to be like the weekends :( My poor girl. Tomorrow I'm going to start volunteering in all of the kids' classrooms, so hopefully it'll help her get through the school day.
Brooklyn's OT suggested that we may want to look into martial arts lessons for her. The hope here is that it will give her body the proprioception it craves in an environment where she and others are safe; and also hopefully teach her that her aggression is wrong in a way that may work better. One of the biggest rules of martial arts is that you aren't allowed to use the skills to hurt others. So, we've been looking into martial arts studios in the area for her. But now both Aiden and Alayna want to do martial arts as well, LOL. We've found a place that offers one lesson a week for $45 a month or two lessons a week for $85 a month. I'd prefer to do one lesson a week for right now as we currently have enough weekly and bi-weekly appointments right now.
I'd REALLY like to get her into teakwon-do at the community center, but she has to be 7 to go there. The price is great though, $92 for 8 weeks of lessons 2 days a week.
I've also found another program that teacher jujitsu and karate, but it's $77 every 4 weeks. But, she can't go here until she's 6 (which is only a month and 10 days away, EEEKK!) and it's two days a week.
We're going to contact all the programs we've found and talk to them about Brooklyn. We need to be sure that where ever she's going can handle her special needs.
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